

It is used to prevent endometrial hyperplasia (overgrowth of lining inside the uterus) during estrogen replacement therapy for menorrhagia (heavy bleeding) to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Protects against pregnancy for 5 years.

Girls` IUD

For the use of girls, who hasn`t given birth yet. Before placing it, it is recommended to put it on the 3rd-5th day after the menstruation period and the woman's examination. Protects against pregnancy for 5 years.

Copper IUD

A T-shaped or copper IUD can be inserted at any time if the woman is not pregnant. Before placing it, it is recommended to put it on the 3rd-5th day after the menstruation period and the woman's examination. Protects against pregnancy for 5 years.


Implants are matchstick-sized implants containing progestin and levonorgestrel, Jadelle or 2 rods/ 5-year contraceptive implant, and Implanon or 1 rod/ 3-year contraceptive implant. It is placed under the skin of your arm.


There are 28 combined hormonal tablets for oral contraceptives. 21 active pills contain hormones, and the remaining 7 do not. The second is a 21-tablet oral contraceptive pill. Suitable for use by people of all ages, from teenage girls to premenopausal women.


• For 3 months: Depoprovera
• For 2 months: Noristerat
• For 1 month: Norigenon
It is used by women of all ages, starting from the 1st day of menstruation.

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Үйлчилгээний цагийн хуваарь

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хэрэглэсэн хүмүүст үйлчилгээ үзүүлэх боломжгүй.
Ажлын байрнаас гадуур буюу
гэрээр очиж үйлчилгээ үзүүлэхгүй.