Ultrasound Screening And Diagnosis
With advanced diagnostic equipment, fetal development progress can be determined through an ultrasound scan of your abdomen. The first diagnosis is at 20-24 weeks for abnormal development and at 32-34 weeks for fetal delay, position, weight, structure, and oxygen levels. Ultrasound diagnosis is safe and does not involve radiation
Birth control is a safe and easy way to prevent pregnancy. Some types of birth control can also help treat certain health problems or provide other health benefits — like making periods lighter and less painful. Almost everybody uses birth control at some point in their life.
Suitable for women who are vaginal relaxation and want firming vagina. May use the HIFU vaginal tightening ultrasound system to carry on the treatment.

Today Board of Trustees has approved 2025 year of annual plans and activities
Today’s Board of Trustees meeting has a wide-ranging agenda, including detailed scrutiny of program and finance reports, youth-related activities, annual plan and budget approval, and a comprehensive review of policies

Successfully entered the international arena
IPPF International Accreditation was successfully held on May 20-25 at the Mongolian Family Welfare Association. IPPF IPPF ESEAOR – International Planned Parenthood Federation East and Southeast Asia Oceania Regional’ Team

Introducing the “little doctor” program
The “Little Doctor” program implemented in kindergarten No.57 of BGD was presented to other kindergarten managers and experts of Bayangol district. We also got acquainted with the “Mongolian Vegetables” project