
The Board of Directors’ regular meeting for the first quarter of the year was successfully held.”
The Board of Trustees convened to review key matters outlined in the agenda. This included an evaluation of the annual performance report, with a particular emphasis on financial performance. The

Today Board of Trustees has approved 2025 year of annual plans and activities
Today’s Board of Trustees meeting has a wide-ranging agenda, including detailed scrutiny of program and finance reports, youth-related activities, annual plan and budget approval, and a comprehensive review of policies

Successfully entered the international arena
IPPF International Accreditation was successfully held on May 20-25 at the Mongolian Family Welfare Association. IPPF IPPF ESEAOR – International Planned Parenthood Federation East and Southeast Asia Oceania Regional’ Team

Introducing the “little doctor” program
The “Little Doctor” program implemented in kindergarten No.57 of BGD was presented to other kindergarten managers and experts of Bayangol district. We also got acquainted with the “Mongolian Vegetables” project

Mobile service has been organized
With the financial support of the Mongolian Family Welfare Association, the Department of Health of the Ovorkhangai Province organized a mobile service of the population of reproductive age with the

Governing board meeting was held
MFWA’s governinig board was held. The meeting approved the 2023 report and 2024 plan. The meeting was led by the president of the association B. Ganbold.